Since ancient times mankind has created different kinds of artifacts, designed to be worn on yourself and designed to ward off misfortune or bring good luck. Today we call these things a talisman or amulet. But how do they differ from each other, and what is a talisman? What are they? Is it possible to simultaneously carry a cross and an amulet or some magic things? All of these questions and some others we answer in this article.
What types of amulets and talismans are and how to wear them?

To begin with definitions. Often, the words a talisman, an amulet and considered synonyms, but this is the wrong approach. Shades of meaning here are pretty significant.
So, talisman is a magical item whose function is to bring to the carrier of the desired forces, situations. Thus, the talisman can be used to attract good luck, love, improve the financial well-being, attractiveness and so on. Speaking of computer games: +10 to charisma, +100 to health. So, we can say that Pushkin in his lines Keep me, my mascot has sacrificed meaning for the sake of the rhyme, and size.
How to wear a mascot: since the protective function of talisman is usually not responsible, it is better to hide from prying eyes, to wear close to the body or simply carry, wrapped in a suitable cloth. However, every mascot should be dealt with separately - often, the charms contain elements of charm, i.e. protect what we describe details below. For example, images of crosses, sun symbols, the pentagram as a part or basis of the talisman would protect him from the negative attention. The stone-talisman can also be worn on the mind, because natural minerals have a natural protection. The same applies to the ring-the talisman ring includes a Hoop, a circle, a talisman, a symbol of the wheel of life. And the mascot on the pin, better to pin it on the underside of the clothing to be seen.
An amulet (from Latin amulētum) is a magical item designed to reduce or to withdraw from the media the impact of unwanted factors and forces. The amulet can protect in the way, protected from damage and the evil eye. It can also bring good luck. But the difference is that the talisman acts as a magnet for luck, attracting her, and the amulet prevents to happen something that will break your plans. Thus, the result can be the same, but the subtle mechanics of the process will be different.
How to wear amulet: as it performs a protective function, no matter whether it is visible to others. It can be worn discreetly (for example, the Christian crucifix in its name already has a clue where this place is, in fact, an amulet on the body). You can wear, and show, over the clothes. This can be a ring, earrings, suspension - this was often worn on a red thread on his hand, like a bracelet. Actually, the red thread can also be an amulet.
The word talisman comes from the Russian verb to be protected, and its purpose similar to the purpose of the amulet. It protects from evil eye, negativity and evil. However, the amulet can be not only a personal item, worn on the body or yourself. A talisman can be used to protect your home, car or other property, and be located respectively at the threshold of the kitchen in the house, or hanging under the mirror in the car (doll, magic bag, etc.). The function talisman can be a separate subject, but, for example, embroidery on clothing - remember the clothing worn by the ancient Slavs, where each element had its own meaning and purpose.
How to wear amulet: amulets of those that has a personal character and not belong to the house are on display, in a conspicuous place. In the traditional culture charm has been an integral part of the clothing and image – embroidery, jewelry, entire articles of clothing (e.g., belt). Amulets were worn close to important and vulnerable places on the body as seen in the popular mind. Such places were areas around the face (hats, earrings), chest (necklaces, pendants), the area of the belt and below the belt (belt buckle), wrist (bracelets or embroidered sleeves). Charms also were worn in the back on the back - from the evil eye and the words thrown in the back. Today, such a protection feature in the back can perform, for example, icons and trinkets on the backpack.
All kinds of these magic items can be artifacts, i.e. objects created by man (and not even necessarily from the very beginning with a magical purpose – for example, horseshoe), and objects of natural origin. The latter include, for example, natural crystals and Druze stones, animal parts (e.g., teeth or feathers), grass and branches, plants and other gifts of nature.
How long can I wear amulets and talismans?
Amulets and charms can be kept for ever, as long as they will not work fully. These items, performing a protective function, take on the negativity of the external world and hold it in themselves, so they must be clean - how can we describe below.
However, there comes a moment when the amulet is fully developed, and it breaks. The red thread is torn, the suspension falls off the ear, earrings - another part, from the ring drops a stone or a crack. This means that it can no longer be used. However, this does not apply to jewelry made of precious metals - only jewellery. Silver jewelry you can safely repair, clean, and it will work again.

The mascots are up to the execution of the tasks for which they are created. After they can burn, if allowed by the material, or to clean and with gratitude to lay in a secluded place as long as they re not needed. Having made the decision to stop holding a mascot, decide how you will proceed. It is necessary to focus primarily on their own feelings – tune in to the mascot and listen to your inner silence. What does he want? Waiting in the wings in the box in your magic locker? To rest on the river bottom? Burn? Please accept the answer and make what you need.
Is it possible to wear several amulets at the same time?
There is no reason why it would be impossible to wear multiple amulets. Slavic characters get along good with Scandinavian and runic talismans can be worn almost with anything.
If you have a question, can I wear two amulets at the same time, take both (it is desirable that they were already activated), put in front of him. It will be good to light a candle, for example, white or purple, to sharpen your perception. Focus your attention on the present subjects. How will they interact? No do you feel tension between them? You know how you can build magnets with the same polarity? Does not occur if you have this feeling of resistance between these artifacts?
If not, if you feel that they do not conflict with each other, feel free to wear them together.
If you want to wear some stones-talismans at the same time, you should start from the properties of the stones. For example, it is not recommended to wear at the same time the stones related to the elements of Water and Air, Fire and Earth, Water and Fire. But the Air stones and Fire, Water and Earth are perfectly combined and reinforce each other. However, sometimes magical jewelry to break this rule, do not be afraid. Besides, the main thing to focus is your inner feeling. If you feel that this combination of stones is what you need, then the way it is.
Is it possible to wear the amulet with a cross?

Our ancestors - grandmother, great-grandmother, our great-great quietly wore the traditional charms and amulets with a cross. Ultimately, the cross is a kind of amulet protecting from evil spirits and serves as a symbol of belonging to the Christian egregor.
Today the Church has a negative attitude to all sorts of magical items, and condemning as superstition. We, on the other hand, do not see obstacles to that, to wear different kinds of amulets and talismans, along with a cross. Moreover, there are a number of Christian amulets, originating from the Holy places and often wearable, Church-going people, for example, the nodular beads or the red thread of Jerusalem.
In short, the decision to wear a particular amulet or talisman simultaneously with the trappings of religion - a private matter, Christian, Muslim or Buddhist.
What kind of amulets worn on the red thread?
The red thread is an ancient talisman. Wear it, usually on his left wrist. The most famous view of this thread - the red thread of Jerusalem.
Also on the red thread can be worn with other small charms, beads, pendants, acting as amulets. For example, a bracelet of desires – red lace with beads, which, if broken, indicates the imminent execution desired. The red thread performs the function of protection and enhances the effect of the amulets that you are wearing.
In which hand wear amulets
It is believed that the left hand is the perceiver, and the right - conductive, the giver. In fact, this applies not only to the hands, and, so to speak, to the sides of the body. That is, amulets that protect from evil and negativity, it is good to keep on the left side, for example, on the left hand. Or left on the chest, if it's a brooch.
The mascots, for example, for marriage, or a pentacle of Solomon (wealth), or talismans to attract love, happiness, good luck, you can keep on the right side.
Any amulets and talismans can be worn on the neck, on the chest, in the middle of the body. Here the regularity is more important than positioning. For example, a bag is a talisman, worn on the chest close to the skin, rather do their job than one that is kept at home and worn from case to case.
Note the talismans related to procreation. For pregnant amulets or talismans worn by the woman to conceive it is advisable to wear belly area and thighs.
Whether bought to wear others amulets
The question of whether to wear a strange talisman or amulet, originally not purchased by you, requires an individual approach. Of course, this is subject personal, almost intimate. Relations with such magical things develop for a long time, sometimes for years, and change the hosts amulets and talismans don't really like. It is therefore considered that a magical item of this sort must be purchased for yourself, and give again. But to this rule there are exceptions.
For example, if we are talking about decorating, which is transmitted in the family from generation to generation is a wonderful amulet, the lucky owner can only envy. Even a simple vintage brooch with a black cat, your beloved grandmother in his youth, can become the most powerful talisman.
Also amulets and talismans, purchased as a gift and presented with sincere and warm wishes of happiness, will be more powerful - perhaps even more than I bought for myself.
How to clean amulets, talismans and charms
When wearing these magical things take on a negative, evil, wrong views and evil wishes, and also removes unwanted twists of fate. So from time to time it is necessary to clear them from the backlog and fill them with new strength.
To clean charms you need using elements:
- Fire - to hold over a candle flame, visualising all superficial burns in it.
- Water - hold it under running water under the faucet (if there is no access to the Creek or river).
- The ground is covered with salt or the earth and leaving it for a few days.
- By air - the smoke of a cleansing incense.
Choose a method, in accordance with their wishes and, most importantly, with the material from which it is made, so as not to spoil it. The safest for implementation of the amulet method of cleansing water.

In order to effectively purify the talisman with water, enough intention and visualization, but you can use a spell or a conspiracy. Make it yourself or use ready.
Let your amulets, charms and talismans serve you faithfully, protecting you and bringing joy, happiness and good luck!